
I’m a wife, photographer, mountain biker, tom boy, vegan food snob, step mama to an aspiring astronautical engineer (give him a few years…he’s five) and a homeschooling mama to a gender bending six year old boy who loves nothing more than twirling around in his favorite pink, sparkly attire. This blog is to share our daily joys and struggles with other like-minded families and to perhaps educate and inspire others about coloring outside the lines, and giving the proverbial finger to societal norms.

14 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi, I`am new here & just like to say I find your blog interesting & inspirational. Keep up the stoic work. Regards Mick.

  2. Just found a link to your blog via Raising My Rainbow…
    I Adore your writing style and perspective on child rearing….
    No ego to cloud the beauty of your child’s own inherent Being!
    Kudos to You Mama ❤

  3. We have a blog too. http://www.lifeuncharted5.wordpress.com It doesn’t have the super cute pictures yours does though LOL Just our story of a teenager, trans boy, and special needs toddler. We also homeschool!

  4. Hi hope you are well. I want to thankyou for your blog I have a 4 year old and all this gender questioning is new to me. I have some questions if you would be willing to email me thanks and keep up the good work you are an insperation.

  5. Thank you for the kind comments, Lyn! :O)

    Lifeuncharted: I just spent a good while reading through your blog and I’ll be back, for certain. It’s hard, yet comforting, to know there are others going through similar life challenges, especially with extended family.

    Moma007: Thank you for the comment. If you’ll give me your e-mail address I’d be happy to talk to you more. I’m always happy to help out others in any way I can!

  6. Pingback: Baseball and Ballet | What Kids Want Us to Know

  7. Just commented about your blog in my blog and I shared your link. Hope that is okay. I love HE SPARKLES!

  8. I ended up wandering here because a darling friend of mine directed me to Raising My Rainbow and I adore both your child and hers. I have no children of my own yet, but am helping to raise two children of my mother’s. I love this and I love the support for your son. The awareness being raised in the world makes me happy and I feel good knowing that there are children out there who accept Noah, even as my brother gets teased by the other little boys in his martial arts class for sporting his favorite “Not Really a Waitress” red nail polish.

  9. I absolutely adore your blog! I am only 20, and my partner and I want children sometime before we’re 26. We plan to raise our children vegan, gender-neutral, and home-schooled (with one or days a week at a steiner school if possible). Trying to find information about parenting that isn’t ‘mainstream’ is near impossible, so when I stumbled across your little gem of a blog I fell in love.
    Thank you for showing me that we aren’t as crazy as our families seem to think (my parents won’t even accept the fact that I choose to shave my head!), and that children raised this way are beautiful and happy, just as I always knew they would be!

  10. In the wee hours of the morning, I read a short story that you might enjoy. Unable to sleep last night, I downloaded an on-sale book on my Kindle & started reading it. It is a novel in the form of interwoven short stories, and it was written by, of all people, Molly Ringwald. The book is called When It Happens to You; the short story My Olivia. Seems pretty real to me though somewhat sparse. You should check it out.

    • Thank you…I’ll check that one out! Right now I’m reading Legendary Learning: The Famous Homeschoolers’ Guide To Self-Directed Excellence. It’s a fantastic read!

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